Cobehn Systems line of precision cleaning equipment and ultra pure solvents have been meeting the unique needs of the critical cleaning industry since 1952. For over fifty years Cobehn products have been continuously upgraded to meet the most demanding needs of manufacturers in the Hi Rel Industries seeking a solution to their "final cleaning" needs in an environmentally friendly, employee safe, and cost effective manner.

More recently, as increasing focus is being placed on cost reduction, coupled with greater awareness on quality and long term reliability issues many companies are recognizing that critical cleaning is not just for hi-rel applications. Many of these companies are recognizing that their cleaning equipment and processes have not kept pace with other manufacturing advances and have begun to rely on Cobehn's simple, but effective and low cost approach, to improving process cleaning to allow them to stay competitive in the market... without incurring high capital or operating costs!

Cobehn Systems offers a complete line of easily integrated modular components designed to meet the needs of both small volume hand cleaning applications and fully automated batch cleaning stations needed where uniformity of the cleaning process is critical. Although the system approach of using Cobehn equipment in conjunction with Cobehn's electronic grade, specially filtered solvents generally assures the highest degree of contaminant control and removal, the Cobehn equipment is universally compatible with all solvents, alcohol, and acetone currently being used for specialty cleaning needs.

The Cobehn Process

Reliable and user friendly precision engineered spraying and drying equipment delivers a gentle atomizing spray to effectively remove both organic and inorganic contaminants using only a fraction of an ounce of solvent. Organic contaminants trapped in blind holes and low standoff areas are dissolved, while the solvent wetting action, combined with controlled impingement, breaks the bond between particulates and the component surface to gently flush away inorganic contamination.

Following the spray cycle, the internal thermostatically controlled heater provides warmed nitrogen to insure adequate drying. Total cycle processing time averages less than 15 seconds per device and is the only commercially available cleaning process which will remove both organic and inorganic contaminants with one piece of equipment.

The exclusive "Mini-Clean Room" concept allows the process to be completed within a stainless steel precision engineered glove box to assure worker safety. This enables evaporation of the chemical so that the vapors can be removed by the customers in-house exhaust system or through the optional Cobehn Fume Filtration unit. This system protects the technician from potentially dangerous vapors or unpleasant odors and eliminates the need for costly hazardous waste disposal.

The Cobehn VOC fume filtration system answers the environmental concerns associated with venting of solvent vapors directly into the atmosphere. Filtration of toxic chemicals prevents odors and vapors from entering the work area and eliminates the need for adding new venting systems and offers greater flexibility in the layout and redesign of the production area. The combination of the Cobehn containment chamber and VOC filtration unit provides the most adaptable and cost effective solution to addressing our environmental responsibilities.